
End-to-End E-learning Localization

Multinational enterprises benefit from engaged audiences. Regardless of the stakeholder, the purpose of localizing and targeting the training is to create engagement. This can only be done through content and communication that is both linguistically and culturally appropriate.

Further, learning is in and of itself a cultural enterprise, and so the way learning is engaged needs to be specific to, and in alignment with, the expectations of your audience. Our native-language linguists are culturally aware and are also learning content experts in the culture in which you are engaged.

What we localize

We have worked in virtually every aspect of eLearning localization. Here's a quick rundown of our core specialties.
  • Coursera Courses
  • FutureLearn Courses
  • EDX Courses
  • Forum Posts
  • LMS
  • Mobile Apps
  • Software
  • Videos

Your Brand is How You Engage with Your Audiences

Your e-learning needs to be targeted to your learners’ cultural expectations, and lanuage needs. Get this wrong, and your brand suffers. L&D is not always employee facing. Your customers or partners need to feel that you are speaking to them in a way that is linguistically and culturally sensitive.

Technology translations

Technology may be your product, but communication is your business. Meet your customers where they are through global initiatives that resonate.


American Translators Association Member
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